Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sweet & Sour Chicken

2 pounds chicken breast, cut in strips
1 c cornstarch
3 egg whites, beaten until fluffy
asian vegetables

1/2 c sugar
4 Tbsp ketchup
1/2 c vinegar
1 Tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp powdered ginger
3 Tbsp pineapple juice
1/2 tsp cornstarch

Prepare chicken strips by cutting off excess fat and gristle. Roll the strips in cornstarch, then dip in egg, then lightly dust with cornstarch again. Heat a frying pan to hot (sprinkled water evaporates quickly) and sear the chicken strips quickly. The strips won’t change color like with frying, but you just want to sear it enough that the breading is really cemented on. Excess cornstarch left in the pan may begin to burn, so scrape out pan as needed.

Place prepared chicken strips in a 13×9 in glass baking dish. Put a little cooking spray in the pan if desired. Prepare one recipe of sauce and pour over the chicken strips. Bake at 325 degrees for 20 minutes, turn chicken strips, then cook for another 20 minutes or until cooked through.

While the chicken bakes, steam-fry your vegetables. Using liquid instead of oil, start by cooking sliced onion and other firm or thick cut veggies. Once those soften add other thinner veggies and more liquid if needed. Once all veggies are added, cover and reduce heat allowing them to steam through and keep warm until time to serve. Serve veggies and chicken over rice. If desired, prepare a second recipe of the sauce to drizzle over the dish as the baked sauce becomes quite solid.

Taken from

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